Sunday, January 18, 2009

Seekers of the unknown Life in the spirit world.

  Well this is a little late my applogies. 
       Seekers of the unknown Life in the spirit world is a combination of fiction and non fiction writings, Though my novels would be in the fiction categories I will have to be honest that there is also much truth and reality within my book. I have areas in the book which was actually true encounters and some that was strickly fictous but has an opportunity to become a reality if it wants to be , My thinking with my faith in the great creator makes it all possible only if one believes but we have to keep our heads below the clouds and be patient and wait and know that it is all possible.
for with God all things are much possible.
       Seekers of the unknown is a journey where a couple that happened to be very much sceptic became induldged with the curosity of the seeker this couple had some personnel encounters that driven them to investigate the unknown and search for answers . They created an investigation group and from there it led the native Texans to kansas to a mental hospital to uncover an investigation that starts at the capital down to the Mental hospital with the lead of a Ghost and his collegues. I encourage you to take a trip with them and become a seeker of the unknown and discover a life in the spiritual world.
   You can find my book from the links within my webpage in the book store section. also you can find this book at Barnes and Noble and at Borders, Amazon , Target and Books a million. and most independent book stores.

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