Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Marvelous Natural & Spiritual World

Well I have gone over the book Seekers of the unknown and  a few lines in concern of spiritual areas. There are many folks out there that does not have an understading of the physical and spiritual  worlds.
   These are actually two seperate worlds , the natural world this is the world that we are common to. And the Spiritual world this is where our love ones as well as friends as the pass from this life goes to the next life. In this world there is time series and in this series there is a beginning and a end to time a time to be birthed and a start to a beginning of life and an end to life which results in death the absense of the life in the spirit from the physical body. 
    The body is actually a vehicle to transport our inward being namely our real self the spirit. It is impossible for the spiritual body within us to survive on earth with out having the body vessel our physical body to house our spirits inside. 
   When Christ was born he was born from Mary his earthly Mother but the seed was from God inplanted within her by the power of God and not by any such sexual encounter. God wanted to dwell with his creation on earth but God being a spirit would and could not do such a thing because he was and still is a Spiritual being. so he had to have a body to dwell wirhin so he was able to walk among the people of planted earth by dwelling within a body.
   There are two types of folks on earth the spiritual and the natural , The spiritual is much real as well as the natural world.
    We will go deeper in tommorows blog continuing with the parts of the spirit. have a great day

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