Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Marvelous Natural & Spiritual World

Well I have gone over the book Seekers of the unknown and  a few lines in concern of spiritual areas. There are many folks out there that does not have an understading of the physical and spiritual  worlds.
   These are actually two seperate worlds , the natural world this is the world that we are common to. And the Spiritual world this is where our love ones as well as friends as the pass from this life goes to the next life. In this world there is time series and in this series there is a beginning and a end to time a time to be birthed and a start to a beginning of life and an end to life which results in death the absense of the life in the spirit from the physical body. 
    The body is actually a vehicle to transport our inward being namely our real self the spirit. It is impossible for the spiritual body within us to survive on earth with out having the body vessel our physical body to house our spirits inside. 
   When Christ was born he was born from Mary his earthly Mother but the seed was from God inplanted within her by the power of God and not by any such sexual encounter. God wanted to dwell with his creation on earth but God being a spirit would and could not do such a thing because he was and still is a Spiritual being. so he had to have a body to dwell wirhin so he was able to walk among the people of planted earth by dwelling within a body.
   There are two types of folks on earth the spiritual and the natural , The spiritual is much real as well as the natural world.
    We will go deeper in tommorows blog continuing with the parts of the spirit. have a great day

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Seekers of the unknown Life in the spirit world.

  Well this is a little late my applogies. 
       Seekers of the unknown Life in the spirit world is a combination of fiction and non fiction writings, Though my novels would be in the fiction categories I will have to be honest that there is also much truth and reality within my book. I have areas in the book which was actually true encounters and some that was strickly fictous but has an opportunity to become a reality if it wants to be , My thinking with my faith in the great creator makes it all possible only if one believes but we have to keep our heads below the clouds and be patient and wait and know that it is all possible.
for with God all things are much possible.
       Seekers of the unknown is a journey where a couple that happened to be very much sceptic became induldged with the curosity of the seeker this couple had some personnel encounters that driven them to investigate the unknown and search for answers . They created an investigation group and from there it led the native Texans to kansas to a mental hospital to uncover an investigation that starts at the capital down to the Mental hospital with the lead of a Ghost and his collegues. I encourage you to take a trip with them and become a seeker of the unknown and discover a life in the spiritual world.
   You can find my book from the links within my webpage in the book store section. also you can find this book at Barnes and Noble and at Borders, Amazon , Target and Books a million. and most independent book stores.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Calvin Von Gurnov ll blog introduction.

Thank you for visiting my blog, As you know I am a writer of the paranormal world , I enjoy ingraving into an area where many refrain from entering. I believe many do so because of a lack of understanding of the paranormal world or the Spiritual world.
   As a Christian writer within the paranormal I really think there is a ample amount of opportunitiies that we as humans could and can approach to seek the unknown in our world of the physical and within the world of the spirit. We know much of our natural world where we reside but we have limited knowledge of the Spiritual world or as many describe as the After life.
   Through out my journey in the blog on a daily bases I will share my personnal accounts of experiences I have had in the past . And I will share the interests and history of my novels starting with Seekers of the unknown life in the spirit world. It is my first novel that will have a continuation  in the future .
    My next novel in progress as of now will be published by summer of 2009, The title is Gothic hill I will give some history behind each book. There is some truth  within each book as well as fictous readings . On Wednesday 14th of January I will began with a insight of my first novel.
God Speed