Thursday, March 11, 2010

Gothic Hill now published and released

Seekers of the Unknown fans: lights, camera, vanish. This is what happened to a couple who became very interested in a story of several teenagers on a mission to study an abandoned house named Gothic Hill, located on a very large hill within the countryside. They heard stories of satanic worship and the vanishing of many who dared to explore the inner structure of the home. The couple was reported missing. There were no signs of them at all. The couple's belongings were intact but the couple was not seen ever again. Jason and Matthew, two reporters from the Arkansas Chronicle, were assigned the story but to no avail. They didn't have any leads to help solve the case.

After several years, Jason has forgotten the couple's vanishing, but one night the dreams begin. Jason has several dreams, continuing every night for several days. He just did not have what it takes to wipe away the urge to visit Gothic Hill. So he visits the house once by himself, and then he convinces Matthew to visit one night and do an all-night vigil. Jason and Matthew become convinced that there is much not answered, so they embark on a quest to solve the mystery of Gothic Hill.

You can find this book at Barnes and Noble and most other major book chain stores

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