Friday, November 19, 2010

Create space publishing,and Gurnov publishing introduces Calvin Von Gurnov ll


New book release Calvin Von Gurnov ll introduces his new book "Pardon" to be released soon.

Within the halls of the nations many churches we find something that will bring
a sense of calmness, well that is what it should be but actually within the doors of
...most churches comes more than just a hand shake a loving message of Christ but
there you will find a force of control in-America there are easily more than one million
churches . The majority of the churches today are out to rob you blind.
So many pastors that I will call fat cats in my book has taken advantage of most today.
I will expose the secrets behind their clever schemes to make a world of abundance for
Legalism has crippled our people and the control of fear has gripped the folks to bringing
fear to congregations across America to make the fat cats fatter meaning the preachers of

Friday, November 5, 2010

The Paranormal Writer

Join The paranormal writer.

After much time to get other things completed I will be attempting to proceed on my next novel Ghost Island. Look for it by the summer of 2010.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Author Calvin Von Gurnov II , Crater lake Or Bust.

deciding to return to this life on earth Calvin Von Gurnov II writes about his time with his wife and children when they endeavor to attempt a long trip to Oregon to visit Crater Lake. This is actually a very funny story. If you would like to get a great laugh then read his newest "Crater Lake Or Bust" by Calvin Von Gurnov II Publishing

Author Starla Light , The Tale of an Angel.

I would like to present to my readers a new book by my 12 yr old daughter "Tale of an Angel" by Create Space Publishing. The novel will be available for sale within a week.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Rain House

Rain House will be released by early fall maybe late summer. Publish America is the publisher. Horrors of plantation island is in progress should be released by Christmas 2010.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Christian Rock band Skillet accepts Novels.

The Christian Rock Band Skillet is presented the novels Gothic Hill and Seekers of the unknown life in the spirit world while in concert at the Expo center in Topeka Kansas.

The new Official Calvin Von Gurnov II Website

Well it is finally done the official website of Calvin Von Gurnov II

Calvins books goes e-books

I am happy to announce that all of my books are now either on e-books or kindle check it out

Gothic Hill E-Book
Seekers of the unknown ,Life in the spirit world.E-Book.
Seekers of the unknown , Love conquers all.Kindle/Amazon
Friends of wildwood, E-Book.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Seekers Of The Unknown , Love Conquers All.

Calvin Von Gurnov II Introduces his newest book. Seekers Of The Unknown, Love Conquers All.After several months another thriller from Calvin.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Book release /Book reviews.

Seekers of the unknown Love conquers all is in the hands of the publisher and should be in print soon. I am waiting for information from my publisher concerning my book Gothic Hill it has been presented to Tom Hanks for review. Seekers of the unknown life in the spirit world has also been presented to Tom Hanks. I will keep everyone posted on the outcome.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Seekers of the unknown The great commandment.nears completeion

This has been a very difficult book to write I wanted it to be very realistic as I possible as much as I can make it to be. It is the second book from Seekers of the unknown life in the spirit world .
Seekers of the unknown The great commandment. This book should be out by Fall of 2010 will keep my readers posted.

Gothic Hill now published and released

Seekers of the Unknown fans: lights, camera, vanish. This is what happened to a couple who became very interested in a story of several teenagers on a mission to study an abandoned house named Gothic Hill, located on a very large hill within the countryside. They heard stories of satanic worship and the vanishing of many who dared to explore the inner structure of the home. The couple was reported missing. There were no signs of them at all. The couple's belongings were intact but the couple was not seen ever again. Jason and Matthew, two reporters from the Arkansas Chronicle, were assigned the story but to no avail. They didn't have any leads to help solve the case.

After several years, Jason has forgotten the couple's vanishing, but one night the dreams begin. Jason has several dreams, continuing every night for several days. He just did not have what it takes to wipe away the urge to visit Gothic Hill. So he visits the house once by himself, and then he convinces Matthew to visit one night and do an all-night vigil. Jason and Matthew become convinced that there is much not answered, so they embark on a quest to solve the mystery of Gothic Hill.

You can find this book at Barnes and Noble and most other major book chain stores