Saturday, June 19, 2010

Author Calvin Von Gurnov II , Crater lake Or Bust.

deciding to return to this life on earth Calvin Von Gurnov II writes about his time with his wife and children when they endeavor to attempt a long trip to Oregon to visit Crater Lake. This is actually a very funny story. If you would like to get a great laugh then read his newest "Crater Lake Or Bust" by Calvin Von Gurnov II Publishing

Author Starla Light , The Tale of an Angel.

I would like to present to my readers a new book by my 12 yr old daughter "Tale of an Angel" by Create Space Publishing. The novel will be available for sale within a week.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Rain House

Rain House will be released by early fall maybe late summer. Publish America is the publisher. Horrors of plantation island is in progress should be released by Christmas 2010.